8 mukhi – Gauri Shankar Rudraksha from Nepal – 30mm

Origin: Nepal
Bead size: 30mm
Bead Weight: 4.14 grams


SKU: SB08GSN1 Category:


The 8 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha consists of two naturally joined Rudraksha beads, symbolizing Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Each bead has eight natural lines (mukhis) running from top to bottom, representing Lord Ganesha.

Ruling God: Shiva and Parvati
Ruling Planet: Venus

Mantra :
1. Om Gauri Shankraye Namah
ॐ गौरि शंकराये नमः
2. Om Aim Hreem Yugal Rupanaye Namah
ओम ऐं ह्रीम यगल रूपनाय नमः


  • Wearing this Rudraksha helps in overcoming obstacles and challenges in life, providing the wearer with success and prosperity.
  • It is believed to enhance the wisdom, knowledge, and intellect of the wearer, making it beneficial for students and professionals alike.
  • The bead promotes spiritual growth and brings harmony in relationships, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • The bead provides protection against negative energies, evil influences, and harmful intentions, ensuring a safe and secure aura around the wearer.
  • It is believed to aid in alleviating health issues related to the nervous system and provide relief from stress and anxiety.
  • It attracts prosperity and abundance, helping in achieving financial stability and growth in business and career.

The 8 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is a powerful spiritual bead that symbolizes the divine union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Comprising two naturally joined Rudraksha beads, it embodies the combined energies of both deities, enhancing the wearer’s spiritual and material well-being. With eight natural facets, this Rudraksha is known to represent Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It is highly revered for its ability to balance physical, emotional, and spiritual energies, promoting harmony and unity in relationships.

Please note: When the size of the beads ends with .5 or greater, we generally round up the value to the next whole number. If the size is less than .5, it is considered the same as the whole number before the decimal point.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Making options

Loose Rudraksha Bead, Rudraksha in thread, Rudraksha in silver capping with thread