Pink Opal Pyramid – 106 gms


Height: approx. 1.5 inches
Length: approx. 1 inches
Width: approx. 1 inches
Weight: approx. 106 gms

SKU: SBGP20 Category: Tags: ,


Pink Opal gemstone is believed to hold the most powerful harmonising energy helpful in all heart-related matters: self-acceptance, unconditional love, romantic relationships. Delicate calming vibrations of the gem facilitate emotional healing. This brings the energy of renewal, hope and optimism.

Pink Opal activates the Heart Chakra and offers a sense of peace, calm, and tranquility to the heart center and emotional body.

Pink Opal is used to release trauma, stress, tension, worry, and anxiety. It can help steady irregular heartbeats. It also gives support to the lung and circulation of oxygen throughout the body.

Pyramid Benefits:

  • Protect Yourself And/or Your Home.
  • Heal Energy and to Aid Your Therapy Process
  • Take Your Meditation Practice to The Next Level and Centre Yourself.
  • Balance Your Soul and Enhance Your Spiritual Growth.
  • Manifest Your Intention and Boost Your Manifesting Ability
  • Decorate your home or office with a beautiful and meaningful piece of art

Pyramids are generators of power. They pull energy through the point and disperse energy through their base. Pyramids are incredible shapes to keep near you as they promote consistency of spiritual energy. The pyramid shape encourages the flow of energy through the Root Chakra to the Heart Chakra. Working with the pyramid shape provides clarity and visions.

Height: approx. 1.5 inches
Length: approx. 1 inches
Width: approx. 1 inches
Weight: approx. 106 gms

Additional information

Weight 175 g