12 mukhi – Gauri Shankar Rudraksha from Nepal – 38mm

Origin: Nepal
Bead size: 38mm
Bead Weight: 5.88 grams


SKU: SB12GSN4 Category:


This Rudraksha bead has twelve natural facets (mukhis), symbolizing the twelve Adityas, the solar deities. Represents the union of Lord Shiva (Gauri) and Goddess Parvati (Shankar), embodying their combined divine energies. The 12 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is a rare and highly revered bead known for its significant spiritual power.

Ruling God: Shiva and Parvati
Ruling Planet: Venus

Mantra :
1. Om Gauri Shankraye Namah
ॐ गौरि शंकराये नमः
2. Om Aim Hreem Yugal Rupanaye Namah
ओम ऐं ह्रीम यगल रूपनाय नमः


  • Provides strong protection against negative energies, evil influences, and harmful forces, fostering a secure and peaceful environment.
  • Enhances spiritual growth, meditation, and connection to higher consciousness, aiding in the journey toward enlightenment.
  • Symbolizing the Sun, it bestows vitality, energy, and a positive outlook on life, helping to overcome lethargy and pessimism.
  • Attracts success, fame, and recognition in professional and personal endeavors, promoting leadership qualities and confidence.
  • Supports overall health and well-being by alleviating stress, anxiety, and other mental and emotional strains.

The 12 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is a powerful spiritual tool that offers a wide range of benefits for holistic growth, protection, and success. Its divine energies make it highly valued among spiritual seekers and devotees.

Please note: When the size of the beads ends with .5 or greater, we generally round up the value to the next whole number. If the size is less than .5, it is considered the same as the whole number before the decimal point.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Making options

Loose Rudraksha Bead, Rudraksha in thread, Rudraksha in silver capping with thread